
12 20, 2020

Read the world with PressReader

By |2023-10-18T13:49:59-04:00December 20, 2020|

You can now read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the world with your Mentor Public Library card and our digital service, PressReader.

Read publications from hundreds of countries in dozens of languages! All you’ll need is your library card number and PIN.

There are three ways to access PressReader’s enormous catalog: our website, PressReader’s website, or the PressReader app.

Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 12.10.02 PMTo visit PressReader from our site, you can click on the link on our front page or databases index and start browsing immediately. If you visit PressReader’s site directly, you’ll need to search for Mentor Public Library, and then put in your library card number and PIN before you can begin browsing.

Finally, you can use PressReader’s app, which is available for Apple, Android, Microsoft, and Amazon devices. Once again, you’ll need to enter your library (that’s us), your library card number, and PIN to sign into the app. You’ll also need an email address to create a profile.

That’s all you need to start browsing periodicals from all over the globe! So start browsing!

By the way, the PIN you need is the same one you use to access your account on our website. If you don’t know your PIN, it’s probably the last four digits of the phone number that we have on record for you. If there’s no phone number on your account, the PIN will be a 4- digit code using your birth month and day. (For example, 0824 for a birthdate of August 24.) If your account has no phone number or birth date, your temporary password will be CHANGEME. Once a PIN is assigned, you can change yours to anything you wish once you sign into your account online.

04 5, 2019

Draft wills, POAs & more for free with Gale Legal Forms

By |2022-10-04T16:50:06-04:00April 5, 2019|

Draft legal forms yourself with Legal Forms Library.

Draft legal forms yourself with Legal Forms Library.

Legal forms can be confusing. Attorneys can be expensive.

Consequently, it can be a pricey venture if you need help creating a will, affidavit or some other legal form.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone set up a database with different legal-form templates that people could view or even download for free?

Someone (or, rather, someones) did. It’s called the Gale Legal Forms, and it’s one of the dozens of databases that we offer access to for free.

There are thousands of form templates for all types of topics: divorce, bankruptcy, power of attorney, name changes, wills, estates and more. (So you know, you’ll need to click through to the Legal Forms Library from the Mentor Public Library site for these hyperlinks to work.) And you can view, download or edit all these templates for free. There are also completed samples that you can view as a PDF or Microsoft Word file. This can give you an idea what your finished form should look like.

There are also legal definitions and explanations for each form, so you can understand what you’re reading.

The forms available on the Legal Forms Library include forms drafted by attorneys for a particular legal matter, forms from public records and participating companies and attorneys. “Official” forms for many states are included, as well.

For more information, you can visit the FAQ section of the Legal Forms website.

By the way, you can also use our databases to search your family history, check product recommendations, learn a foreign language, fix your carget help with your job search or picking your next book.

A final disclaimer here: Mentor Public Library cannot provide legal advice. Users should consult an attorney in all serious legal matters.

12 4, 2018

Research before you buy with Consumer Reports

By |2018-12-04T06:00:55-05:00December 4, 2018|

Check bias-free reviews from Consumer Report before you do your holiday shopping.

Check bias-free reviews from Consumer Report before you do your holiday shopping.

Whether you’re shopping for Christmas gifts, a computer, or car, you can get free and unbiased reviews of competing products from our Consumer Reports database.

Read rankings and recommendations on hundreds of types of products: mattresses, car seats for your baby, store credit cards, tablets, TVs, and more. (It also ranks bacon, weirdly enough.)

You can even read other shoppers’ reviews to see if they jibe with Consumer Reports’ assessments.

Consumer Reports doesn’t accept advertising or have shareholders. They also test all products in house. Because of this, they are a trusted source and buying guide.

Get professional insight when you’re shopping this holiday season with Consumer Reports, and get them for free with your library card.

By the way, Consumer Reports is just one of dozens of databases you can use for free with your library card. You can search your family history, check product recommendations, learn a foreign language, fix your carget help with your job search or pick your next book.

08 25, 2018

Check Chilton for car maintenance & repair advice

By |2018-08-25T06:00:16-04:00August 25, 2018|

Chilton provides detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. Doesn’t matter the year, make or model of your vehicle.

Chilton provides detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. Doesn’t matter the year, make or model of your vehicle.

What do you do when something’s wrong with your car?

Panic? Send your vehicle to the nearest dealership or mechanic and hope they don’t overcharge you?

Next time, start by visiting Chilton Library — one of the dozens of databases you can use for free with your Mentor Public Library card.

Chilton provides detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. Doesn’t matter the year, make or model of your vehicle.

It offers step-by-step service and repair procedures, diagrams to simplify troubleshooting, and plenty of pictures and illustrations to make sure you understand what you’re looking at.

You can also get labor estimates on specific repairs to make sure that nobody rips you off.

It even has Automotive Service Excellence test prep quizzes for the most popular certification exams, if you’re working on becoming a technician.

And that’s just one of our databases! We have dozens more that can help you when buying a computer, searching for a job, researching your family’s history, learn foreign languages or preparing a legal form.

And they’re all free to use with your library card.

08 4, 2018

Learn about your genealogy & family history with our databases

By |2018-08-04T06:00:01-04:00August 4, 2018|

Research your family's history with HeritageQuest, Ancestry and other databases at Mentor Public Library.

Research your family’s history with HeritageQuest, Ancestry and other databases at Mentor Public Library.

How far back do you know your family’s history? Do you know your great-grandparents? Do you know their great-grandparents?

Do you want to?

It’s amazing what you can learn about your family history with the databases available at Mentor Public Library.

Your library card gives you access to not one, not two, not three, but four different genealogy websites. For free.

They are:

  1. Ancestry — Search for your family’s history through censuses, cemeteries, city directories, military and immigration records, and more public records.
  2. Fold3 — Fold3 allows you to research your family’s military history going back to the Revolutionary War.
  3. HeritageQuest — Similar to our Ancestry database. Browse public records, including censuses that go back to the 18th Century, US Indian census rolls, mortality schedules and more.
  4. African-American Heritage — A genealogy database that specializes in African-American heritage, complete with state-by-state guides and a volunteer-staffed forum.

You don’t need to know much to get started on our databases—a name, somewhere that person lived and it helps to know his or her approximate birth year. And, frankly, if you don’t know your great-grandfather or great-great-mother’s birth year, it usually only takes a single search to find out.

These databases search through millions of public records: census and immigration information, birth/marriage/death certificates, and more. Not only can you view these documents, but you can email them to yourself and your family members.

And each document that you discover provides more information that you can use to hone your search.

So start searching and explore that family tree.

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