LinkedIn Learning
Videos, tutorials, courses, and obtain Certificates of Completion in a topic of your choice.
App: If you are using the Linkedin Learning app on a mobile device, select Sign in with your library card. You will need to put Mentor’s library ID (which is oh0142) into the link.
Ohio Means Jobs
Tests, skill assessments, tutorials, and other resources.
Practice tests and skill assessments include GED, ACT, SAT, Math & Reading skills, Firefighter, Citizenship, etc.
Click “Access Learning Express Anonymously” to see all practice tests and other resources.
Niche Academy
Video tutorials for the most commonly used library electronic resources.
Mango Languages
An interactive language-learning platform, offering more than 70 different languages and 18 different ESL courses. Learn real-life conversations with native-speaker audio and cultural context so that you can speak like a local.
Mango’s ASL (American Sign Language) module is separate from the main resource and can be found here.
Provides access to academic articles. EbscoHost has over 30 databases with citations, abstracts and selected full-text. Includes Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete and other subject-specific resources.