Travel Club

Visit a different country each month without boarding a plane. Make a craft, have a snack, and participate in different activities. Get your passport stamped each month. Open to kids ages 6 – 12. This club will meet the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM. The next meeting is February 5th. Click here to register.

Lego at the Library

Love LEGO? Flex your creative muscles and join our LEGO club. For ages 5 – 12. Meetings are held the first Saturday of the month at 11:00 AM. No registration is required. The next meeting is March 1st.

The Fine Arts Club

Using history and hands on experience, children will learn about subjects ranging from dance and theatre to poetry and painting. For ages 7 – 12. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 4:00 PM. Registration is required. The next meeting is March 4th. Click here to register.

Book-to-Movie Book Club

Each month we will read some of a classic children’s book, watch a snip of the movie, and do some related activities! For ages 8 – 12. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 4:00 PM. Registration is required. The next meeting is March 3rd. Click here to register.

Bingo Club

Join us for this monthly club where you play themed bingo cards and win prizes! For ages 7 – 12. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 4:00 PM. Registration is required. The next meeting is February 20th. Click here to register.