Whether you’re shopping for Christmas gifts, a computer, or car, you can get free and unbiased reviews of competing products from our Consumer Reports database.
Read rankings and recommendations on hundreds of types of products: mattresses, car seats for your baby, store credit cards, tablets, TVs, and more. (It also ranks bacon, weirdly enough.)
You can even read other shoppers’ reviews to see if they jibe with Consumer Reports’ assessments.
Consumer Reports doesn’t accept advertising or have shareholders. They also test all products in house. Because of this, they are a trusted source and buying guide.
Get professional insight when you’re shopping this holiday season with Consumer Reports, and get them for free with your library card.
By the way, Consumer Reports is just one of dozens of databases you can use for free with your library card. You can search your family history, check product recommendations, learn a foreign language, fix your car, get help with your job search or pick your next book.