John Foster

08 2, 2019

The Making of the US Constitution

By |2019-08-02T06:00:12-04:00August 2, 2019|

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster continues his year-long series on the American Revolution by discussing the making of the US Constitution.


  • why the Articles of Confederation failed
  • how close the country came to collapse in its post-revolutionary years
  • how states with disparate goals and interests compromised to create a Constitution that has stood the test of time for more than 200 years.

This program is the third in a 4-part series about the American Revolution. You can watch the first two parts online, as well.

Foster concludes his series with a talk about Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist papers on Thursday, Sept. 26.

In addition to being a reference librarian, Foster has a doctorate degree in history. He has taught history at both high school and college levels. Previously, he has led series on the Battles of World War II and US Presidents of the 20th Century.

05 22, 2019

A Military History of the American Revolution

By |2019-05-22T06:00:40-04:00May 22, 2019|

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster continues his year-long series on the American Revolution by discussing the military history of the Revolutionary War.


  • how the colonists defeated the preeminent empire of the era
  • why George Washington was selected to lead the army
  • how the support of other colonial powers like France proved decisive.

This program is the second in a 4-part series about the American Revolution. The first was on the geopolitical and intellectual origins of the Revolutionary War. If you missed it in March, you can watch it now online.

Foster’s series will continue at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 25, with a program on the making of the US Constitution.

In addition to being a reference librarian, Foster has a doctorate degree in history. He has taught history at both high school and college levels. Previously, he has led series on the Battles of World War II and US Presidents of the 20th Century.

Finally, if you’re interested, most of Foster’s previous historical talks can be viewed in their entirety on our YouTube channel.


03 28, 2019

The Geopolitical & Intellectual Origins of the Revolutionary War

By |2019-03-28T06:00:03-04:00March 28, 2019|

You’ve heard “no taxation without representation,” but the intellectual roots of the American Revolution dig deeper than a Schoolhouse Rock summation.

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster discusses how trans-Atlantic warfare, John Locke and the Levelers all contributed ideas and attitudes that influenced the American Revolution.

This program is the first in a 4-part series about the Revolutionary War. Foster’s next talk will be a military history of the American Revolution at 6:30 on Thursday, May 16, at our Main Branch.

In addition to being a reference librarian, Foster has a doctorate degree in history. He has taught history at both high school and college levels. Previously, he has led series on the Battles of World War II and US Presidents of the 20th Century.

Finally, if you’re interested, most of Foster’s previous historical talks can be viewed in their entirety on our YouTube channel.

03 10, 2019

Discover the American Revolution

By |2019-03-10T06:00:15-04:00March 10, 2019|

Learn about the origin of the American Revolution during a special talk on March 21 at Mentor Public Library.

Learn about the origin of the American Revolution during a special talk on March 21 at Mentor Public Library.

The American Revolution was the defining moment in American history. But how did it come about?

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster will discuss the ideas and interests that sparked the American Revolution during a special talk at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, at our Main Branch.

This program is the first in a 4-part series about the Revolutionary War.

In addition to being a reference librarian, Foster has a doctorate degree in history. He has taught history at both high school and college levels. Previously, he has led series on the Battles of World War II and US Presidents of the 20th Century.

This special program is free and open to all. You can register to attend online or by calling us at (440) 255-8811 ext. 247.

Finally, if you’re interested, most of Foster’s previous historical talks can be viewed in their entirety on our YouTube channel.

02 21, 2019

The Coming of the French Revolution

By |2019-02-21T06:00:51-05:00February 21, 2019|

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster discussed the origin of the French Revolution during a lecture earlier this week.

We’ve posted the talk online in its entirety for this unable to attend. (By the way, sorry for the technical glitches. We hope you enjoy the video anyhow.)

Foster explains:

  • how France’s enormous debt precipitated the Revolution
  • how the Third Estate (that is, everyone but nobility and clergy) wrested power from the nobility and clergy
  • how public perception of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette is, in some ways, unfairly skewed
  • what ultimately doomed King Louis XVI
  • the relationship between the American and French revolutions.

Speaking of which, each year Foster gives a series of lectures about American history. His previous topics include the Battles of World War II and US Presidents of the 20th Century. This year, he’ll discuss the American Revolution.

The series begins at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, at our Main Branch. The topic is the origins of the Revolution.

Finally, if you’re interested, most of Foster’s previous historical talks can be viewed in their entirety on our YouTube channel.


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