
05 4, 2022

Get advice on lower back pain from health expert

By |2022-04-27T14:37:18-04:00May 4, 2022|

More than 500 million people suffer from pain in their lower back. The types, causes, and treatments for it are multitudinous.

Greg Morris – a physical therapist and licensed athletic trainer with UH Lake Health Rehabilitation Services – explains the different kinds of back pain and some of the ways to treat them. Treatments range from rest and medication to physical activity and pain management.

Morris also discusses physical therapy interventions like soft-tissue manipulation, joint mobilization, myofascial release, dry needling, stretching, traction, and other modalities

By the way, we’ve hosted several talks about health and wellness recently. You can watch many of them online in their entirety, including:

05 1, 2022

Kids can design their own bookmarks for our Bookmark Drawing Challenge

By |2022-04-25T15:14:25-04:00May 1, 2022|

Have a creative kid? Let them make their mark!

Kids in kindergarten through sixth grade can design their own bookmark for our Bookmark Drawing Challenge this May.

The theme of their bookmark must be based on books, reading, or one of their favorite characters. Beyond that, kids can be as creative as they want.

Templates for the bookmarks can be downloaded here or picked up from the Children’s Department in our Main Branch.

All bookmark designs must be submitted by May 31st. A winner will be picked from each grade, and then we’ll print the winning bookmarks so everyone can have them.

04 30, 2022

All Booked Up with Cailey & Meg: YA Royal Reads

By |2022-04-13T11:08:22-04:00April 30, 2022|

We may never be royal, but we can still read about them! Cailey and Meg share four of their favorite YA novels that reinterpret royal epics, classic fairy tales, and even the history of Henry VIII’s wives. (Spoiler Alert: Don’t expect a happy ending to that last one.)

Their choices this time are:

  1. Briarheart by Mercedes Lackey
  2. Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon
  3. This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi
  4. Fatal Throne: The Wives of Henry VIII Tell Al

Most of the books we discuss can also be borrowed as ebooks using Hoopla or Libby.

04 27, 2022

The Titanic: Beyond the Wreck, an Untold Story

By |2022-04-25T11:05:24-04:00April 27, 2022|

You know about the iceberg. You’ve probably seen the movie and even the documentary, but there’s so much more to the Titanic than “Nearer, My God, to Thee.”

Kevin Magee, a diver and member of the Cleveland Underwater Explorers, talks about why the Titanic and its sister ships were initially built, what made these gargantuan liners unique besides their size, and how the Titanic’s wreck changed maritime law forever.

He also discusses the novel that eerily predicted the Titanic’s demise (and why people should be more nervous about the Ides of April.)

By the way, Magee has discussed other shipwrecks at our library. Every time he visits, he shares a fascinating story. Some of these talks are available to watch on our YouTube channel:

04 23, 2022

Revisit the Origins of the US Constitution

By |2022-04-21T10:10:21-04:00April 23, 2022|

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster will explore the origins of the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights during a series of lectures this year. He begins by discussing how ideas from the English Civil War (1642-1649) influenced America more than a century later. See how the thoughts of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Levelers like Richard Rumbold affected our Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and more!

The next lecture in his series will be Thursday, June 9, at our Main Branch. The subject will be the Convention of 1787.

In addition to being a reference librarian, Foster has a doctorate degree in history. He has taught history at both high school and college levels. Previously, he has led series on the Battles of World War IIthe Cold Warthe American Revolution, The Vietnam Wars, and US Presidents of the 20th Century at the library.


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