There are more than 12 million items in CLEVNET, but no library consortium (no matter how big) has everything.
So we’ve joined WorldCat to bring you those hard-to-find books, movies, and CDs. With thousands of libraries around the world participating, WorldCat is the planet’s largest network of library content.
Here’s how it works: If you’re looking for an item that’s not in CLEVNET, you can contact one of our librarians. We will search for it in the WorldCat catalog.
If we can find it, we’ll order it for you. When it arrives, you get the item for three weeks. (Sorry, no renewals.)
One caveat: Some WorldCat libraries charge to borrow things. Whenever possible, we’ll try to get your item from a library that lets you borrow it for free. However, if we can’t, the patron pays the other library’s fee. If there is a charge, we’ll check with you before we order the item to make sure you still want to get it.
Three more details:
- The overdue fee for WorldCat items is $5 per day.
- Patrons can only have five WorldCat items out at any given time.
- If a WorldCat item is requested but not picked up, there will be a $5 charge to the patron.