Learn more with LinkedIn Learning from your library

Learn from the experts for free with your library card and LinkedIn Learning.
You can access thousands of online educational courses without charge using your Mentor Public Library card and LinkedInLearning!
You won’t need to create a LinkedIn profile to access courses from experts on everything from screenwriting to spreadsheets. All you’ll need is your card number and PIN. Wherever you work, whatever your hobby is — there’s a course that can make you better at it: from finance to photography, and making mobile apps to music composition,
It also offers training for popular software and developer tools, including the Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, and several coding languages.
The educational videos range from quick introductions to deep dives into specialized topics.
And they’re all free to watch with your library card. All you need is your card number and PIN to create your profile. If asked, Mentor Public Library’s ID number is oh0142.
Once you’ve done that, you can immediately browse the more than tens of thousands of educational videos waiting for you. And LinkedIn Learning’s collection is constantly updated so you can stay ahead of the curve in your chosen field.
For more online learning, check out Niche Academy. It’s free to use with a Mentor Public Library card.