International Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Infamous Auschwitz
Each year, our resident historian Dr. John Foster hosts a special program for International Holocaust Day.
In past years, he’s discussed the Nuremberg Trials, rise of National Socialism in Germany, and origins of the Nazi’s Final Solution.
This year, his topic was Auschwitz, the most notorious of Nazi Germany’s death camps. He discussed its grisly purpose, some of its most famous survivors, and the overwhelming evidence that it served as a death camp.
By the way, each year Foster gives a series of lectures about American history. His previous topics include the Battles of World War II and US Presidents of the 20th Century. This year, he’ll discuss the American Revolution.
The series begins at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, at our Main Branch. The topic is the origins of the Revolution.
Finally, if you’re interested, most of Foster’s previous historical talks can be viewed in their entirety on our YouTube channel.