
12 11, 2018

Alexander Hamilton: An American Tragedy

By |2018-12-11T06:00:44-05:00December 11, 2018|

Despite his role in our history, Alexander Hamilton languished as one of our more obscure founding fathers until Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical renewed his celebrity.

Hamilton was an orphan who rose from the depths of indigence to the heights of power and intelligentsia through hard work and a couple of fortunate turns.

He served as one of George Washington’s most trusted colleagues during both the Revolutionary War and Washington’s presidency. He built the financial system for our nation.

And yet he suffered disgrace, grief, and famously and fatally lost his duel with Aaron Burr.

Learn about Hamilton’s rise and fall with Dr. John Foster, our resident historian.

And fans of Dr. Foster’s historical talks can view many of them in their entirety on our YouTube channel.

11 4, 2018

Dwight D. Eisenhower: From World War to the Cold War

By |2018-11-04T06:00:30-05:00November 4, 2018|

We concluded our Presidents of the 20th Century series with a focus on Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Eisenhower was a complicated man — a West Point graduate and general who warned about the military-industrial complex; a man who valued duty but also asked to leave his post so he could marry his mistress.

He also oversaw one of our nation’s most fraught periods, including a chilly portion of the Cold War, McCarthyism, and invention of the hydrogen bomb.

Apparently, he was a pretty decent golfer, as well.

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster guides us through this singular president’s life. Foster, in addition to being a reference librarian, also has a doctorate degree in history.

If you missed it the first time or wish to rewatch it, you can view the entirety of our Presidents of the 20th Century series online:

Foster’s next talk will be at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the Concord Township Community Center (7671 Auburn Road in Concord Township.) He’ll discuss the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton.

The talk is free to attend and open to all. If you wish to register, call the Concord Township Community Center at (440) 639-4650.

08 27, 2018

Harry Truman: The Beginning of the Cold War

By |2018-08-27T06:00:35-04:00August 27, 2018|

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster continued his US Presidents of the 20th Century series last month with Harry S. Truman.

We’ve filmed and shared his talk for those who couldn’t join us that night.

Truman’s rise to the presidency is nearly unimaginable. He was a failed haberdasher and zinc miner. Yet he served as president during some of this nation’s most tenuous times — the end of World War II and beginning of the Cold War.

And his policies still have an effect on our military, diplomacy and civil rights.

Our series continues at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 18, with a focus on Dwight Eisenhower. The talk is free to attend and open to all.

Foster will also discuss American Transcendentalism at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 13, at our Main Branch. The talk is part of celebration of Little Women’s 150th anniversary.

Louisa May Alcott’s father, Amos Bronson Alcott, was one of the most important figures in Transcendentalism, a uniquely American tradition that helped to define our national culture in the 19th century and beyond.

Foster – who in addition to being a reference librarian also earned a doctorate degree in history – will talk about Transcendentalism and the world of the Alcotts. Registration is required and opens Aug. 30.

Other historical talks by Foster can be watched on our YouTube page, as well, including:


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