Check Chilton for car maintenance & repair advice

Chilton provides detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. Doesn’t matter the year, make or model of your vehicle.
What do you do when something’s wrong with your car?
Panic? Send your vehicle to the nearest dealership or mechanic and hope they don’t overcharge you?
Next time, start by visiting Chilton Library — one of the dozens of databases you can use for free with your Mentor Public Library card.
Chilton provides detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. Doesn’t matter the year, make or model of your vehicle.
It offers step-by-step service and repair procedures, diagrams to simplify troubleshooting, and plenty of pictures and illustrations to make sure you understand what you’re looking at.
You can also get labor estimates on specific repairs to make sure that nobody rips you off.
It even has Automotive Service Excellence test prep quizzes for the most popular certification exams, if you’re working on becoming a technician.
And that’s just one of our databases! We have dozens more that can help you when buying a computer, searching for a job, researching your family’s history, learn foreign languages or preparing a legal form.
And they’re all free to use with your library card.