Check out Exercise Equipment from Mentor Public Library
Ab Roller Wheel Kit
Work on your abdomen muscles and more with this Ab Roller Wheel kit! Comes with an ab roller wheel as well as resistance bands, push-up bars, and a jump rope so you can get fit at home!
The Ab Roller Wheel kit circulates for 2 weeks. Contact the Circulation Department (440-255-8811 ext. 250) and we can set it aside for you if available.
Bonesmart Pilates Aging Strong Volume 1
Bonesmart Pilates Aging Strong Volume 1 contains a DVD with exercises and props to enhance your workout! This program targets hip and leg strength, spine stretch, and balance.
Bonesmart Pilates circulates for 2 weeks. Contact the Circulation Department (440-255-8811 ext. 250) and we can set it aside for you if available.
Exhilarate Zumba DVDs with Fitness Sticks
Shake up your exercise routine with Exhilarate Zumba! This fun fitness program has seven DVDs with a variety of fun workouts to dance and party to! Enhance your workout with maraca-like Zumba Toning Sticks! A booklet provides tips.
Place a hold on Exhilarate Zumba.
Get fit and rock out with these fitness drum sticks! These plastic drumsticks are resistant to shock and perfect for a workout or a child’s drum practice. Fitstix can be used with exercise programs such as Pound and DrumFIT.
Fitstix circulate for 2 weeks. Contact the Circulation Department (440-255-8811 ext. 250) and we can set them aside for you, if they are available.
Kettlebell – Adjustable
The PolyFit Adjustable Kettlebell lets you adjust the weight from 5-pounds, 8-pounds, and 12-pounds to fit your workout. Perfect for both beginners and those looking to step up their workout.
The adjustable kettlebell circulates for 2 weeks. Contact the Circulation Department (440-255-8811 ext. 250) and we can set it aside for you if available.
Kettlebell with DVD
The GoFit Ultimate Kettlebell set includes a 10-pound vinyl kettlebell and a 40-minute training DVD for cardio and strength training.
The kettlebell with DVD circulates for 2 weeks. Contact the circulation department and we can set it aside for you if available.
Get ripped and try an intense workout with P-90X2! 12 DVDs have workouts to help develop your core, balance, and agility. The Nutrition Guide can help you balance your diet and exercise to achieve the results that you want.
Place a hold on P-90X2
Pound Rockout Results System
Rockout, strengthen your body, and burn calories with the Pound Rockout Results System! This at-home workout system comes with drumsticks, DVDS with 9 exciting workouts, and a booklet with recipes.
Pound Rockout Results System circulates for 2 weeks. Contact the Circulation Department (440-255-8811 ext. 250) and we can set it aside for you, if it is available.
Stretch Out Strap
This versatile woven nylon stretch has 10 loops can be used in many different exercises including yoga, physical therapy, quad and calf stretching and more!
The Stretch Out Strap circulates for 2 weeks. Contact the Circulation Department (440-255-8811 ext. 250) and we can set it aside for you if available.
Zumba Complete Total-Body Transformation DVD with Fitness Sticks
Dance your way to fitness! Four DVDs and maraca-like toning sticks will have you moving and sculpting your body.
Place a hold on Zumba Complete Total-Body Transformation.