
07 22, 2018

The History of the Medal of Honor

By |2018-07-22T06:00:39-04:00July 22, 2018|

It is our nation’s highest military award, but how much do you know about the Medal of Honor?

Todd Arrington, site coordinator at James A. Garfield National Historic Siteguides us through the Medal’s origins and history as part of our Leaders & Legacies of the Civil War Series.

Hear stories of father-son duos that received the award and the rare people who actually earned TWO Medals of Honor. Additionally, discover the only woman and president to ever receive the Medal of Honor.

Our Civil War series continues at noon on Wednesday, Aug. 8, at our Main Branch. The topic will President Ulysses S. Grant and the election of 1968.

By the way, if you’re interested in Civil War history, some other previous talks in our Civil War series can be viewed online in their entirety:

07 20, 2018

The Shipwrecks of Lake Erie with Mike & Georgann Wachter

By |2018-07-20T06:00:56-04:00July 20, 2018|

Mike and Georgann Wachter – local shipwreck hunters and authors – visited us earlier this month to discuss wrecks they’ve discovered and researched in Lake Erie.

For those who weren’t able to make it to their talk, they were kind enough to film an interview. They discuss:

  1. The agony and ecstasy of hunting for shipwrecks. Mike Wachter describes it as “hours of boredom for seconds of joy.”
  2. How they research the stories of their sunken vessels.
  3. Why the Great Lakes are the best place to search for shipwrecks.
  4. Why so many boats wreck in Lake Erie, in particular.

The husband-and-wife team have written books and several articles on the more than 2,000 sunken ships in Lake Erie. For more information on Erie wrecks, visit their website.

07 18, 2018

Photographing Rock Stars with Janet Macoska

By |2018-07-18T06:00:26-04:00July 18, 2018|

For more than 40 years, Janet Macoska has photographed rock ‘n’ roll royalty when they rumble through town. She’s probably your favorite rocker’s favorite photographer.

David Bowie liked her picture of him so much he hung it in his home. Her portrait of Paul McCartney hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in London.

When she visited us earlier this month, she was kind enough to share some highlights from her career, including:

  • her favorite bands to photograph
  • some of the challenges facing modern concert photographers
  • the best photos that she’s ever taken in her career.

She also offers advice to aspiring photographers.

For more of Macoska, check out her book, All Access ClevelandAll Access compiles 340 of her favorite photos from more than four decades in rock ‘n’ roll photography.

07 9, 2018

Woodrow Wilson: The Rise of American Internationalism

By |2018-07-09T06:00:01-04:00July 9, 2018|

Our resident historian Dr. John Foster continued his US Presidents of the 20th Century series last month with Woodrow Wilson.

We’ve filmed and shared his talk for those who couldn’t join us that night.

Nowadays, Wilson his best known for his failed attempt to launch the League of Nations after World War I. However, his platform and policies still affect both US and global politics. For example, it was his administration that pushed for the 19th Amendment, finally giving women the right to vote in this country.

So find out how Wilson went from failed lawyer to president of Princeton to president of the United States. (As a bonus, you can learn Taft’s favorite meal.)

Our series continues at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 16, with a focus on Harry S. Truman. The talk is free to attend and open to all.

Other historical talks by Foster can be watched on our YouTube page, as well, including:

07 4, 2018

What Will You Make: 3D Printing ‘Star Wars: Legion’ Terrain

By |2018-07-04T06:00:05-04:00July 4, 2018|

How will you use our 3D printer?

Lance King uses it to make towers, cannons and more for the Star Wars: Legion tabletop game.

If you’re looking for resources to spark your creativity, you can visit ThingiverseTinkercadMy Mini FactoryInstructables or Shape Do for ideas.


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