Everyone can explore cultures of the world for free with our newest database, CultureGrams!

CultureGrams provides concise and reliable information on more than 200 countries. It’s perfect for students, travelers, or the cosmopolitan and curious.

And CultureGrams offers more than superficial insight. It shares interviews with people from all around the world – Afghanistan to Zimbabwe – as well as recipes, informational tables and graphs, biographies of important people from each country, and photo galleries of famous landmarks and everyday life.

CultureGrams also offers state-by-state and province-by-province breakdowns for those looking to research the United States or Canada.

Finally, CultureGrams provides a Kids Edition that specifically shares a kid’s-eye view of daily life in cultures around the world. Culturegrams even created online escape rooms and scavenger hunts for kids who like to learn by playing.

To access CultureGrams, visit our database page and click CultureGrams. You can access the database from home, but you’ll need to get there via our website.