The Mentor Public Library recognizes, in accordance with Ohio law, that its circulation records and other records that link the names of library users with specific materials are confidential in nature.
No library records or patron information, as defined by Ohio law, shall be released except in the following situations:
- To the parent, guardian, or custodian of a minor child;
- In accordance with a subpoena, search warrant, or other court order;
- To a law enforcement officer who is acting in the scope of the officer’s law enforcement duties and who is investigating a matter involving public safety in exigent circumstances;
- Upon the request of or consent of a patron to the release of his/her information;
- For various administrative library purposes; and
- To document improper use of the internet at the library so long as any patron information is removed from those records (except for age or gender of an individual).
In the case of a subpoena or other process of law, such process shall be transmitted to the Executive Director on behalf of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Director shall thereupon release such information in compliance with such process, or seek judicial or administrative relief.
MPL Board of Trustees Approved May 15, 2013
Revised 3/20/2019, Resolution #19-024
Revised 8/16/2017, Resolution #17-067
Revised 5/15/2013, Resolution #13-041