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08 5, 2018

3 suggestions when writing or updating your résumé

By |2018-08-05T06:00:07-04:00August 5, 2018|

resume-1799953_640We hosted a résumé workshop with an expert from Modern Employment earlier this summer, and she made three suggestions for anyone who’s writing or updating their résumé.

1. Know what kind of résumé you want.

There are four kinds of résumé:

  1. Chronological, which lists your work experience from most recent and concludes with your education
  2. Functional, which emphasizes skills and abilities as opposed to previous positions
  3. Targeted, which is when you draft a résumé for a specific job listing
  4. Targeted chronological, which combines aspects of the first and third type.

Each kind of résumé is appropriate for a different situation. Targeted chronological résumés are typically most effective, and you should always spend some time targeting your résumé when you apply for a job.

However, if you have holes in your employment history or are trying to change careers, then you should draft a functional résumé that focuses on your skills.

By the way, our speaker advised not going back more than 15 years on a chronological résumé to avoid age discrimination.

2. Don’t forget your soft skills.

Do you know the difference between a hard and soft skill?

Hard skills include specific knowledge necessary to do a job. For example, if you’re a software developer, knowing Java is hard skill.

Hard skills are easy to demonstrate on a résumé with degrees, certificates, etc.

By comparison, soft skills characterize your ability to work with others and are much more difficult to measure. They include communication, decision-making and leadership skills, as well as creativity.

Soft skills may be difficult to measure, but they’re very important to many employers. Make sure you include them in your résumé.

3. Use action verbs.

Don’t litter your résumé with conjugations of “to have” and “to do.”

Don’t just “do.” Lead. Don’t just “research.” Search and solve. Don’t just “help.” Collaborate and contribute.

Here’s a helpful list of power words you can use when summarizing your résumé.

If you want more help in your career hunt, check out Ohio Means Jobs’ tips for writing a resume and searching for jobs online.

08 4, 2018

Learn about your genealogy & family history with our databases

By |2018-08-04T06:00:01-04:00August 4, 2018|

Research your family's history with HeritageQuest, Ancestry and other databases at Mentor Public Library.

Research your family’s history with HeritageQuest, Ancestry and other databases at Mentor Public Library.

How far back do you know your family’s history? Do you know your great-grandparents? Do you know their great-grandparents?

Do you want to?

It’s amazing what you can learn about your family history with the databases available at Mentor Public Library.

Your library card gives you access to not one, not two, not three, but four different genealogy websites. For free.

They are:

  1. Ancestry — Search for your family’s history through censuses, cemeteries, city directories, military and immigration records, and more public records.
  2. Fold3 — Fold3 allows you to research your family’s military history going back to the Revolutionary War.
  3. HeritageQuest — Similar to our Ancestry database. Browse public records, including censuses that go back to the 18th Century, US Indian census rolls, mortality schedules and more.
  4. African-American Heritage — A genealogy database that specializes in African-American heritage, complete with state-by-state guides and a volunteer-staffed forum.

You don’t need to know much to get started on our databases—a name, somewhere that person lived and it helps to know his or her approximate birth year. And, frankly, if you don’t know your great-grandfather or great-great-mother’s birth year, it usually only takes a single search to find out.

These databases search through millions of public records: census and immigration information, birth/marriage/death certificates, and more. Not only can you view these documents, but you can email them to yourself and your family members.

And each document that you discover provides more information that you can use to hone your search.

So start searching and explore that family tree.

07 22, 2018

The History of the Medal of Honor

By |2018-07-22T06:00:39-04:00July 22, 2018|

It is our nation’s highest military award, but how much do you know about the Medal of Honor?

Todd Arrington, site coordinator at James A. Garfield National Historic Siteguides us through the Medal’s origins and history as part of our Leaders & Legacies of the Civil War Series.

Hear stories of father-son duos that received the award and the rare people who actually earned TWO Medals of Honor. Additionally, discover the only woman and president to ever receive the Medal of Honor.

Our Civil War series continues at noon on Wednesday, Aug. 8, at our Main Branch. The topic will President Ulysses S. Grant and the election of 1968.

By the way, if you’re interested in Civil War history, some other previous talks in our Civil War series can be viewed online in their entirety:

07 20, 2018

The Shipwrecks of Lake Erie with Mike & Georgann Wachter

By |2018-07-20T06:00:56-04:00July 20, 2018|

Mike and Georgann Wachter – local shipwreck hunters and authors – visited us earlier this month to discuss wrecks they’ve discovered and researched in Lake Erie.

For those who weren’t able to make it to their talk, they were kind enough to film an interview. They discuss:

  1. The agony and ecstasy of hunting for shipwrecks. Mike Wachter describes it as “hours of boredom for seconds of joy.”
  2. How they research the stories of their sunken vessels.
  3. Why the Great Lakes are the best place to search for shipwrecks.
  4. Why so many boats wreck in Lake Erie, in particular.

The husband-and-wife team have written books and several articles on the more than 2,000 sunken ships in Lake Erie. For more information on Erie wrecks, visit their website.

07 18, 2018

Photographing Rock Stars with Janet Macoska

By |2018-07-18T06:00:26-04:00July 18, 2018|

For more than 40 years, Janet Macoska has photographed rock ‘n’ roll royalty when they rumble through town. She’s probably your favorite rocker’s favorite photographer.

David Bowie liked her picture of him so much he hung it in his home. Her portrait of Paul McCartney hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in London.

When she visited us earlier this month, she was kind enough to share some highlights from her career, including:

  • her favorite bands to photograph
  • some of the challenges facing modern concert photographers
  • the best photos that she’s ever taken in her career.

She also offers advice to aspiring photographers.

For more of Macoska, check out her book, All Access ClevelandAll Access compiles 340 of her favorite photos from more than four decades in rock ‘n’ roll photography.


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