Our digital collection from Hoopla is getting even bigger!

Now our library has added hundreds of the latest and bestselling ebooks and audiobooks with Hoopla Flex. Can’t find a certain ebook or audiobook in our collection or on Libby? Check Hoopla!

Borrowing an ebook or audiobook from Hoopla Flex works similarly to borrowing one on Libby/OverDrive. It it’s marked as available, you can check it out immediately. You’ll have the audiobook or ebook for 21 days with renewal available as long as there are no holds on the item. If someone has borrowed the item you want, you can place it on hold.

To be clear, Hoopla Flex is a new option for those of you specifically looking for new and bestselling ebooks and audiobooks. If you use Hoopla to read comics, listen to music, or watch movies, you can still do that! Hoopla still has nearly a million different titles of  ebooks, audiobooks, comics, music, and TV episodes that you can borrow immediately as part of its Hoopla Instant collection.

Hoopla is free to use with your Mentor Public Library card. You can borrow up to 20 items per month from the Hoopla Instant collection and 10 items from Hoopla Flex. Click here to start browsing Hoopla’s enormous catalogue.